Thursday, March 21, 2013


It is an incredible feat that organisms can begin from one cell and then differentiate and compartmentalize into the millions of diverse tissue and organ niches that represent a mature body. Why brain, fingernail, liver, intestine and bone cells ever become what they are is mystery enough. Why they stay what they have become while still retaining the full genetic information to produce an entire new body, compounds the miracle even more.
 Cancer is a condition in which cells lose their orientation and proliferate uncontrollably. Any cell can become cancerous. A lot of them do, but are squelched by cell death (apoptosis), the immune system or nipped in the bud by DNA repair mechanisms. Successful cancer cells escape these impediments, disregard normal cellular checks and balances and become an island unto themselves with only their own survival and self-interests at heart.
 The cause of cancer is no mystery. It is our aberrant modern living context that has put us at cancer risk. When cells are forced to bathe in a milieu (the tissue soup we create with modern foods, drugs and lifestyle) entirely unlike what they are genetically programmed to expect, they revert to their most primitive directive – multiply, multiply, multiply – without regard for neighbors. It’s a sort of payback for our disregard for “neighbors” when we pollute and repudiate nature. Why should our cells be polite to their neighbors if we don’t have regard for ours? Since the immune system is compromised from the chronic stresses created by modern living, defenses are down. Couple this with the nutritionally depleted and perverted modern processed diet and you have the incubator for cancer.
 Today, about one in three humans will get cancer. In pets it is worse and perhaps the leading cause of death. No evidence exists that the disease was of similar incidence before our modern era. President Nixon's "War on Cancer" (beginning in the early 1970s) is the most failed and embarrassing "military" campaign ever undertaken by any nation at any time in history. One person in 30 got cancer at the beginning of the 20th century, now almost one in two do.
 Some will say that the only reason the incidence has increased is because humans and animals live longer due to modern medical measures. So when science fails in their mission to defeat cancer, they cleverly spin the failure as their success. As I have shown previously (Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health, this is nonsense since modern medical measures are themselves probably the number one threat to life.
 The reason for cancer and most chronic degenerative diseases is modern living, pure and simple. We have subjected ourselves to an artificial environment to which we are not adapted. Nature – not exhaust, sugar, pop and plastic – is what we are designed for. Screw with Mother Nature and a price will be paid.
 Whatever the inciting cause, it is known that inducement and propogation needs to be relentless and of long-standing duration. Cancer can have a latency period of decades, requiring continuous exposure to the inciting stress. Our departure from our genetic roots certainly qualifies.
 If disease does not strike immediately after a bad life choice, then the conclusion is that the choice is just fine. We refuse to take the long view and make intelligent decisions now for consequences that may not emerge until years later. It's a common human failing we see replayed in every aspect of human endeavor. It's the modus operandi in government, economics, agriculture, social issues and health care. Living in the moment is what children and animals do. We should do better with the pounds of gyri and sulci resting on our shoulders.
 Nevertheless, this common sense approach (returning to our genetic roots) to preventing cancer and other diseases will be ignored. Instead we will pour billions of dollars into research to discover the cure for cancer. But there will never be a cure other than respecting our genetic heritage and living, eating, breathing and drinking as we were designed to do. A pill or vaccine to save us just isn't going to happen.
 Let me give some examples of recent research findings that reveal the obvious. First there is the "discovery" that fresh fruits and vegetables contain anti-cancer nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and flavanoids. Why would they not be anti-cancer, they are the natural food of humans? No research is necessary to discover that!
 Then there is the "discovery" that cancer preferentially feeds on glucose, diverting it from body use and inefficiently metabolizing it by glycolysis into lactate and a couple ATP energy molecules. (Glucose normally yields 38 ATP.) The body then has to reconvert the lactate back, via the Cori cycle, into glucose (at an energy cost). The net result is that the cancer acts like an energy sink resulting in cachexia, a pathetic condition of severe muscle wasting and debilitation. Modern diets are laden with sugar and starches that not only provide the perfect food for cancer but the perfect acidic medium in tissues. Processed sugar and starch is not a natural human food. No research is needed to discover that!
 Research has also shown that a low carbohydrate, high protein, high arginine (meat amino acid), low omega-6 fatty acid and high omega-3 fatty acid diet is useful for both preventing and treating cancer. Tumor cells do not do well on fats or protein. But they love that sugar. The natural, raw diet for humans and their pets is high in fat (the preferred energy source) and protein, high in omega-3 fatty acids (fish, wild meat, some seeds and vegetables) and low in omega-6 fatty acids (grains, grain-fed meats and most oils), and is alkalinizing. This is no scientific discovery. It's common sense.
 But companies are clamoring to patent versions of natural diets and crediting their science for discovering the obvious. Examples are new patented, "cancer-fighting" foods featuring high fat, high omega-3 fatty acids, low carbohydrates, and high protein and arginine. Finally, feeding people and pets what they should have been getting all along (as, I hate to say, I have been arguing for decades) is so novel that it is patentable!
 It is the edge-of-the-map science that is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. Like the ancient mariners who believed the world ended where their maps left off, science has assumed that calories, regardless of their source, were the edge of their map. Their nutritional world ends with calories and percentages of known nutrients. Science has insisted that if a human or animal requires X calories per pound each day, it matters not whether those calories come from fresh, real foods or Twinkies. That's why hospital patients paying a thousand dollars a night dine on Registered Dietician Jell-O, diet pop and instant potatoes.
 What has been ignored is that calories are not the edge of the map; ships do not drop off the Earth when they disappear over the horizon. Now the world beyond the edge of conventional medicine and nutrition is slowly being rediscovered. The world is round... and people and animals require their natural, genetically programmed diet that lies beyond the edge of science’s calories. Quality of calories do matter and is a whole new world promising health.
 So, to increase the chance of having cancer, or to speed its progression, eating the standard modern fare is the way to go. Get lots of sugar and lots of grain-based foods such as pasta, bread, cereal, bagels, donuts (which convert to sugar after consumed) and lots of vegetable oils. Increase carbohydrates, eat oleo and look for low-fat foods. Drink very little water and instead enjoy acidified pop and municipal acidic water. Tumors thrive on this banquet.
 You can wait for “research” to prove that natural foods and natural living (fresh air, exercise, sunlight, loving relationships) prevent and reverse cancer, or you can be a thinking person and apply this obvious wisdom beginning today.

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Monday, March 11, 2013


First, let me put to rest the propaganda that the war is being won. Since President Nixon declared the war (1971) and after over 200 billion dollars have been spent on research (remember, one billion is a thousand million), more Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have died in all U.S. wars ever fought combined! (Where are the protest marches?) Soon, cancer will overtake heart disease as the number one killer.
Decades ago, early in the war, there were some dramatic successes such as with Hodgkin's disease and some forms of childhood leukemia. There can be little doubt that debunking (surgical removal) of large cancers brings benefits. But the big killers such as colorectal, lung, prostate and breast cancer remain as threatening as ever. Survival gains are measured primarily in additional months (not years) added to life, not in cures. The placebo effect is by and large ignored. (People getting a sugar pill placebo in cancer studies have been known to lose their hair and some actually cure themselves by simply thinking they will be cured.)
A percentage of people can experience remissions spontaneously and from simple lifestyle adjustments, but the cancer therapy is always credited with the cure. (Investigations, "Placebo Learning: The Placebo Effect as a Conditioned Response," 1985; 2(1):23. O'Regan B, et al. 1993. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography. Sausalito, CA. Talbot M. 1991. The Holographic Universe. New York. Harper Collins Publishers. Townsend Letter, 2004; 251:32-3.)

Statistics can always be massaged to create the result desired. This practice is rampant in cancer research. Animal models (euphemism for real living and feeling caged creatures being tortured by the millions) do not prove effectiveness across species boundaries to humans. Neither do laboratory cell lines. That's why all the "breakthroughs" based on tumor shrinkage never pan out.
For-profit drug companies and National Cancer Institute grant-based research ignore metastases (the spreading cells of cancer through the body) in their positive reports. Instead they highlight and focus on more easily obtained lab results, such as "tumor shrinkage,” and on easily manipulated clinical data such as "five-year survival."
Twelve new "improved" drugs introduced in Europe between 1995 and 2000 were no better than the drugs they replaced. But the prices were all higher, in one instance by a factor of 350 times. One new "revolutionary" drug, Erbitux™, found to "shrink" tumors but not extend the lives of patients at all costs $2,400 per week. Avastin™, another costly chemotherapeutic, by the best calculation, extended the lives of 400 colorectal patients by 4.7 months.
Tamoxifin™ is proven to be effective in decreasing breast cancer. Risk is decreased by about 15% but what is not equally heralded is the fact that it increased the risk of endometrial uterine cancer by about 15%. (Patient Information: Nolvadex, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals)

Are such results worth the financial devastation and miserable life that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery impose? Is that the way to spend one's remaining days? If such therapy does add a couple of months, are those couple of months really worth the poking, prodding, pain, unrelenting nausea, disfiguring, destruction of the immune system and increased susceptibility to other diseases? "Yes" would be a hard answer to justify.

In the face of a cancer diagnosis most people just throw up their hands in terror and surrender to the conventional cancer therapy death process. The feeling is that something must be done, and, since "doctors know best," one must begin the "fight" by following the advice of the doctor. But fighting does not mean surrendering to the will of another person who has their own personal agenda and narrowed field of view dictated by the club they belong to. That misses the point. You must do something.

Here's the on-point best approach:
.1. Prevention means adjusting your life right now so that you are living in tune with your design. Cancer is, quite simply, the reaction of cells subjected long enough to an environment they are not designed for. The genetic apparatus loses its bearings, becomes insane, if you will, and regresses to embryonic infancy and just begins multiplying recklessly. What is the proper environment? It is that food, air, water and lifestyle you are genetically designed for. The proper healthy preventive living context is encapsulated in the Wysong Optimal Health Program™.
2. If you get cancer, don't panic. First thing is follow #1 advice. Learn. Gather as much information as you can from all resources, not just what the medical establishment provides. We try to gather such information for you in The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources.
3. Think about what has happened in your life that has caused the disease. It is caused, it does not just happen. Correct your life.
4. You take control of your own body and you make the decisions. Determine to set right what is wrong and do it. Taking control is essential to not feeling like a helpless victim and sinking into hopeless despair – a sure mindset to speed the disease along.
5. Think long and hard before submitting to unproven cancer therapies. If the doctor cannot prove effectiveness (at least prove that you will be better off with the therapy than without) and if you are not willing to take the risk of all the contraindications, then don't submit because you think it is "all that can be done." It isn't. See #2 above.

All good things in life are hard. In our modern world, good health takes effort and attention. Preventing and reversing disease also takes effort – your effort. Begin today to take charge of your health and be the best you can be. Most chronic degenerative diseases have long latency periods, the time between when the disease begins and it manifests in overt symptoms. Most everyone reading this has such disease brewing within at this very moment. So take advantage of the window of opportunity and give your body a chance by living the life you were designed to live. That will not only prevent disease from gaining a foothold, but reverse disease that is incubating within.
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Many people who are trying to find some way to fight cancer want to know if there is some home remedies cancer cures available. This is because they don't want to go through the treatments that can make you almost as sick as the cancer itself. Many people have opinions on this matter and it should be discussed with the team of professionals treating you as well as getting input from family who is battling with you. Cancer has to be attacked on many different fronts but even then it is a very tough adversary that has claimed millions of lives.

For every home remedies cancer cures you hear about, you need to research. One may be out there that works for some people but not enough to consider it a true cure. Sometimes it will work in conjunction with other treatments that are going on and will result in remission. Sometimes all you can hope for is to find some home remedies cancer treatment that will help you endure the treatment going on. Even with that, you need to check with your team of physicians to see if there would be any negative interaction with treatments that you are undergoing.

Some of the home remedies cancer treatments you will find would be good for helping prevent cancer. Garlic is one of the things that can really help you get healthy or at least healthier and make your body stronger to withstand cancer. Garlic is proven to be a very strong antibiotic that will stimulate the white blood cells effectiveness as well as T cells.

It can help improve your immunity which, because of cancer treatments, may be compromised. It has been shown in clinical studies to prevent and, according to some, help cure some forms of cancer. It may be tough but taking a clove or two of garlic daily, either chewing or just swallowing with water, may help increase your rate of getting or staying healthy.

Garlic and turmeric both have shown to have the ability to block tumor nourishment and help starve them or stunt their growth.

For the nausea an vomiting that takes place many times after chemotherapy, a homeopathic remedy may be cadmium sulphuratum. This can be found at many wellness stores or bought online. It is pretty affordable.

Some of the foods that one eats will help prevent or fight cancer and are capable home remedies cancer fighters. Tomatoes are known to help with lung cancer as well as cervix cancer, throat cancer, and prostate cancer. Raw red cabbage will help as will cooked beats because of the flavanoids present. Spinach would be another helper because of the richness in anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and beta carotene.

There are many options available to help fight cancer or at the very least help prevent cancer. It will take a bit of research on your part and a lot of asking and working with those who are working with you. Be sure that you are going to be able to find things that are home remedies cancer fighters.

As stated several times throughout the article, you should consult with your professional health care provider; to determine if there would be any conflict with your regular medical treatment.